Julian is 6 Months

Julian is 6 months old today. I can’t wait to meet him. Going by weather reports, it looks like it was a fairly nice day in Seoul. It has been very similar weather in Seoul as it is here. It has become a daily routine for me not only to check the weather here but to see what weather is like for our son. Keeps me feeling connected to him. crib
We are still waiting for our US approval to bring Julian to this country. We already have approval to bring an orphan into the country, but now we need to have approval to bring a specific child into the country. I believe the approval will come to us in the mail. We then need to inform our Agency of its arrival so that the we can then start the application for Julian’s visa. Now you see why they say approximately 4 months is the average wait time for a child to come home.
Meanwhile, we continue to build his toy and book collection. We are making final adjustments on his room. Clothes, we are a little apprehensive about buying at this moment because of the uncertainty of when he will be coming home. Most likely it will be in October and he will be almost 9 months, but what size will he be? We can follow a chart on male Korean growth patterns, of which he is currently on the bottom portion of the normal range of a Korean child, but kids do have a tendency to have growth spurts. So, we decided to wait until it is closer to his arrival to focus our attention on selecting his clothes.
The waiting time is not completely up in the air, we will have some sort of sense of when he will be coming home. When we receive approval from our Government, it will then take 4 to 6 weeks after that to get his visa. Then when we get his visa, it could essentially be any time after that. So there are steps that need to be completed. A checklist of things that need to happen before we are sure of when he will be arriving. So we just check the mail everyday, hoping for that I-600 approval and continue to focus on things that we can control.